How to book?
You can book accommodation in a few steps.
Accommodation can be booked in several steps. Using the search engine on our site you will easily find the accommodation that suits you best – according to the number of persons, price, destination, type of accommodation, etc.
Every accommodation unit is presented with a detailed description and lots of photos. By clicking you will choose accommodation that suits you and provide us with the necessary information (your name, e-mail address, date of arrival, number of persons…). The same can be booked after checking the availability of the term by e-mail, phone or fax.
If the chosen accommodation unit has already been occupied, we will try to find for you an alternative accommodation with characteristics similar to the ones that suit you.
Booking is valid after the deposit payment of 20% of the total amount to the owner by bank transfer. Upon receipt of the deposit you will receive from us the confirmation of receipt of the same, along with the information about the owner, and the services you have booked will be specified once more.
The rest of the amount, i.e., the remaining 80% of the total amount you will pay the owner on arrival day giving him the confirmation of receipt of the deposit we have previously submitted to you. As a customer you are required to pay the sojourn tax, unless specified that the sojourn tax is included in the room price.
Thank you in advance for your confidence!